website design for tradies

Websites for tradies

by | May 26, 2024

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Best 15 tips how to create impactful websites for tradies

When it comes to trade services, this is probably one of the most competitive service areas online. Apart from friends recommending calling a tradie they know, or have done work for them, the way to find trade services is to search online. To find the right trade services, the customer must first decide what areas of skills they are after. Is it a plumber, an electrician, a concreter, a carpenter, or a cabinet maker etc? From the outset, it seems easy to find a website for tradies. But from a customer perspective, the tradie websites that are coming up in the searches may not be the ones they want to go with for many reasons.

New tradie website or re-building your current one

If you are a tradie and want a new website or re-building an existing one, this blog will help you identify some critical points that will help your customers decide if they want to work with you. The best way to look at this is to put yourself in your customer shoes to understand what they value. Website Adelaide focuses on small businesses, and a large proportion of our 500 websites built over the years have been websites for tradies.

Fundamental web design for tradies

In this blog, we explore the top considerations when designing a website for tradies and explain why these elements are critical for success. There are some pre-requisites for websites to perform today, and so before diving into the top 15 considerations for tradies websites, here are some foundational aspects for website design which are not covered in this blog.

Foundational web design

  • Responsive design: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and works well on all devices.
  • Fast loading speed: Optimise images and use efficient coding to ensure quick page load times.
  • Clear navigation: Implement a straightforward and intuitive menu structure to help users find information quickly.
  • On-page SEO best practices: Use proper meta tags, headings, and keyword placement to improve search engine visibility.
  • Security features: Implement SSL certificates and other security measures to protect user data.
  • Accessibility:  Ensure your website is accessible to users with disabilities by following WCAG guidelines.

1. Select the types of trade services to represent your website design

One of the first things to consider when designing websites for tradies is choosing what trade services to be represented on your website. For those trade professionals focusing on a single trade that is straightforward, however, many offer multiple services. For example, you might be a plumber offering gas fitting services, an electrician providing HVAC services, or a contractor installing solar panels and HVAC systems. Determining the scope of your business and effectively communicating it on your website is essential for attracting the right clients.

When designing a website for tradies with multiple specialities, each service must be clearly represented. And on the highest level, it’s important to describe what your business offers and what makes you unique, your value proposition, so it’s not confusing for the customer.

website design for tradies

A list of typical websites for tradies

  • Trade services websites
  • Web design for tradies
  • Websites for plumbers
  • Websites for electricians
  • Websites for carpenters
  • Websites for painters
  • Websites for builders
  • Websites for roofers
  • Websites for landscapers
  • Websites for HVAC technicians
  • Websites for tilers
  • Websites for plasterers
  • Websites for concreters
  • Websites for glaziers
  • Websites for joiners
  • Websites for locksmiths
  • Websites for handymen
  • Websites for flooring specialists
  • Websites for cabinet makers
  • Websites for window installers
  • Websites for pool builders
  • Websites for stonemasons
  • Websites for welders
  • Websites for arborists
  • Websites for pest control services
  • Websites for pressure washing services
  • Websites for scaffolding services
  • Websites for fencing contractors
  • Websites for cleaning services

2. The importance of professional website design for tradies

Imagine a prospective client typing a question in the search bar. The options being displayed are some very professional looking websites, while other website designs looks old and tired. Which one are you likely to go with?  

It’s not always the case that the most visually appealing website get the business in the end, but it certainly puts you ahead. An outdated or unprofessional website are many time a no-go for potential clients. For sole traders, a website is not just a tool; it’s your personal brand. Professional website design communicates reliability and competence, builds trust and positioning you as a credible, professional business.  

3. Ensure the areas you cover are displayed on your website

So, if you are the customer; what is the first thing you do to find a tradie? You may have gotten tips from your friends about a great tradesperson in the area, but even so, you are likely to check out their website. And if friends and family don’t know any trades person, you will go online to search for one. And likely you will search in your near area first, or near me type of questions. And if you don’t find what you are looking for locally, this is when you widen your search?  As many tradies operate from home and from their van, it becomes crucial to display your address, or where to get hold of you in the area. Ensuring this information is easy to find on your website helps potential clients quickly determine if you can service their area. Make sure to include a map showing your service area, list all the suburbs or regions you cover, and make this information prominent on your homepage and contact page.

4. Authentic photos of the team and owners is critical for tradie websites

Trust is one of the most important factors when hiring someone to do work in their home. It is not only if the person that you hire can do the job. The consideration starts before that, is the person behind the website real? Can I trust them?  

Potential clients want to see who they are hiring. They want to see authentic photos of the owner, the team, and the vehicles; all which build trust. When designing websites for tradies, its important to show the faces behind the business as it helps clients feel more comfortable and confident in their choices. It also adds to the personal touch and humanises the business.

website design for tradies

5. Make sure your tradie web design showcases your work

Let’s say you want to order a new kitchen, having a new driveway, a roof fixed, or solar panels installed; you want to see that the tradie you hire has done this type of work before. And the best way to showcase your projects is typically before-and-after images to demonstrate your skills and provide visual proof of your capabilities? Authentic photos of completed projects help build credibility and trust, showing potential clients what they can expect and helping them visualise the results of hiring your services. It is important the web design incorporates this across the website.

Some hire professional photographers: others use their phones to take pictures. The key is that the photos looks visually good and represents your work.

6. Providing detailed descriptions of services & products is a must for tradie websites

Detailed descriptions of services and products are essential when designing websites for tradies. Statement like “we do gardening services” without telling the specifics of what types of gardening services you do is not helpful at all. Some clients have a clear idea of what services they want, others are not sure and are browsing for information to find a solution to a problem. Some would not even know they have a problem to solve. So regardless, information is critical, and if there is limited information about what the look for, they will move on to one of your competitors.

However, detailed service descriptions are not only essential for your customers but also a key factor in good on-page SEO. By providing comprehensive information about your services, you can improve your search engine rankings. This, in turn, can lead to more inquiries and bookings as clients feel more informed and confident in their decisions. Therefore, detailed service descriptions are not just about SEO, but also about building customer confidence. 

7. The reasons social proof and reviews are critical to have on a tradie website

Social proof is about having a third party tell how well you are doing your service. Today every tradie understands the importance of it. Reviews and testimonials from previous clients can significantly influence potential clients’ decisions. If you’re a startup with no customers yet, make sure to ask for honest feedback from your first clients. Positive reviews build trust and credibility, providing third-party validation of your services, which can be a deciding factor for potential clients. Feature reviews and testimonials prominently on your website. If you can mix your written testimonials with a customer video testimonials that’s even better.

website design for tradies

8. Clear calls to action should be an integral part of your trade website design

Today, people are time-poor; they are usually in a hurry. People want to find relevant information quickly, and they don’t want to look for it. Therefore, by having a clear call to action (CTA) and having an easy fill-in contact form without any barriers (too many questions to answer), you have a greater chance of someone contacting you for a quote or booking a service. Clear CTAs improve user experience and increase conversion rates by making it easy for potential clients to take the next step. When doing website design for tradies, it is essential that the CTAs are prominently displayed on every page, use action-oriented language, and ensure the contact form is easy to use and doesn’t ask for too much information.

website design for tradies

9. Make sure your website design display your availability and your quick response time

Trade services are often needed urgently. Providing clear information about opening hours, after hours and weekend availability is essential. However, if you state your opening hours without being available to respond then customers will be disappointed.

Clients appreciate quick responses and knowing they can reach you directly, which can be a deciding factor. Clearly state your operating hours, offer multiple contact methods such as phone, email, chat, and respond to inquiries as quickly as possible.

10. If you offer emergency services, make sure its featured on your tradie website

For some trade services, it may be beneficial to offer emergency services. If you do, potential clients need to know what hours you are available. Is it after hours, 24/7 and is it in certain areas, or in specific situations? The more detailed service information you can provide, the better you will help set and manage expectations.

11. Don’t forget to showcase certifications and licenses on the website

Many clients want to know that the tradie they are hiring is qualified and legally allowed to perform the work. Displaying your certifications and licenses prominently on your website can reassure potential clients of your qualifications and professionalism. Certifications and licenses build trust and show a commitment to quality and adherence to industry standards. To implement this effectively, make sure the website design have a dedicated section for certifications and licenses, and explain what each certification means and why it’s essential.

12. Make room on your tradie website for case studies and success stories

As mentioned before, testimonials are essential. There is an opportunity to go beyond testimonials. Providing case studies can showcase your expertise and successful completion of projects. It can describe an outcome of a project, or if a particular client faced some challenges, you could describe how you found the solution. You can start with one case study, and as you go along, you can choose to display one for each of your different service areas.

13. Provide transparent pricing information on your tradie website

Deciding if you should display service prices on a website can be challenging. There are many factors to consider, and providing an exact price before visiting the customer’s home may be difficult. Different tradespeople adopt various approaches. Some prefer to give quotes after assessing the job, while others offer a pricing guide or a range of prices for their services. It ultimately depends on what the tradesperson feels most comfortable with.

Another approach is to explain the process for determining the final price. For example, after receiving an enquiry, the tradesperson always visits the homeowner, assesses the job, and after that provides a detailed quote. This quote might include options for different products at varying price points for the homeowner to choose from as part of a total package. Transparency in pricing often means being transparent about the process of establishing the final price, which can help reduce barriers to purchasing.

website design for tradies

14. If you are using sustainability and environmental practices show it on the website

With a growing concern for the environment, highlighting your commitment to sustainability and environmentally friendly practices can appeal to eco-conscious clients. It’s a good idea to explain how you minimise waste, use eco-friendly materials, etc. Demonstrating your commitment to the environment can differentiate your business and attract like-minded clients. If you have environmental practices in place, you can design a section of your website dedicated to your sustainability practices, provide examples of eco-friendly projects, and highlight certifications or partnerships with environmental organisations.

15. Provide a FAQ section with typical customer questions

Some prospective clients want to know more about your services before contacting you. If you have been in business for some time, you are likely to get similar questions asked time after time. Therefore, a comprehensive FAQ section can address common concerns and questions, saving prospective clients time and quickly point to the answer so they can move forward in their decision making process. Having a FAQ section on tradie website will improve the user experience.

Some final words for websites for tradies

Designing a website for tradies involves several vital elements to ensure it attracts and converts potential clients. By having a professional looking website design, detailing service areas, providing certifications, presenting case studies, being transparent with pricing, highlighting sustainability practices, providing comprehensive FAQs trades professional can have a website that stands out in the competitive trade services market.

Examples of websites for tradies

To illustrate some of these points, here are three examples of websites designed by Website Adelaide that have successfully incorporate many of these elements.

website design for tradies

Tradies website design for an electrician.

website design for tradies

Tradies website design for concrete services.

Ready to design a stunning website for your trade business?
Contact us today to learn how we can help you create a website that looks great, performs well, and attracts the right clients.